J&B hospitality was founded by Jack and Ben our goal is to be a company focus on profitable business acquisitions. Today we have 7 restaurants under our portfolio, all the businesses are performing better than when we first acquired. Our main criteria of investment is always:
1、Location! Location! Location!
2、Existing & successful management team
3、Simplicity and scalability
J&B Hospitality 由 Jack 和 Ben 创⽴,我们的⽬标是成为⼀家专注于盈利性业务 收购的公司。如今,我们的投资组合中有 7 家餐厅,所有业务的表现都⽐我们刚收 购时表现得更好。我们投资的主要标准始终是:
Our Co-founder Jack, opened his first restaurant at the age of 18 years old, he worked as corporate Regional manager for Starbucks managed the whole entire Midtown Manhattan in NYC, he was also Senior manger for T-Mobile USA, where he launched the new store concept called playground store in NYC which was a huge success. After T-Mobile he founded Skynet wireless where he took one location into 5 locations in the Tri-state area within 3 years and sales reached over 10 millions dollar annually. Skynet wireless was brought out by a master dealer. After Skynet wireless became real estate investor and founded Pinpoint Capital, he was on the board of director for Sanford Condominium as well as sunrise holding. The combination of having his own small businesses and working for world class corporations brings a unique perspective on how to build a world class team that consistently exceed sales performances.
我们的联合创始⼈Jack,18岁时开设了他的第⼀家餐厅,他曾担任星巴克的公司区 域经理,管理整个纽约曼哈顿中城,他还曾担任T-Mobile USA的⾼级经理,在那 ⾥他推出了纽约游乐场商店的新概念店取得了巨⼤成功。继T-Mobile之后,他创 ⽴了Skynet wireless,三年内将⼀个⽹点扩展到三州地区的5个⽹点,年销售额超 过1000万美元。Skynet wireless后由⼤经销收购。在 Skynet wireless 之后Jack成 为房地产投资者并创⽴ Pinpoint Capital 投资公司,他成为 Sanford Condominium 和 Sunrise Holding 的董事会成员。拥有⾃⼰的⼩企业和为世界级 公司⼯作的结合,为如何建⽴⼀⽀持续超越销售业绩的世界级团队带来了独特的视 ⾓。
Ben is a dynamic and accomplished individual with a remarkable career in the culinary industry.During his third year of college, Ben took a bold step and opened his first restaurant--Grain House Restaurant. The Grain House Restaurant quickly gained recognition for its innovative approach to cuisine, and it became a popular destination for food enthusiasts seeking a unique and unforgettable dining experience. Eager to broaden his horizons and expand his expertise, Ben joined Junzi Kitchen, the number one Chinese restaurant brand in the United States. His role as the Vice President of Development allowed him to contribute significantly to the brand's growth and success. Ben's strategic vision and ability to identify opportunities for expansion played a pivotal role in Junzi Kitchen's continued dominance in the market. After leaving Junzi Kitchen, Ben embarked on a new chapter in his career as the Head of Expansion for Chanson International, a publicly traded company listed on the NASDAQ. In this role, he was responsible for spearheading the company's expansion efforts. Driven by his unwavering ambition, Ben co-founded J&B Hospitality Group, where his vision and expertise continue to shape the company's success.
Ben 是⼀个充满活⼒、成就斐然的⼈,在烹饪⾏业有着⾮凡的职业⽣涯。 ⼤学三年级时,本迈出了⼤胆的⼀步,开设了他的第⼀家餐厅——Grain House Restaurant。粮屋餐厅因其创新的烹饪⽅法⽽迅速获得认可,并成为美⾷爱好者寻 求独特⽽难忘的⽤餐体验的热门⽬的地。为了拓宽视野、拓展专业知识,Ben 加 ⼊了美国第⼀中餐厅品牌君⼦厨房。作为开发副总裁,他为品牌的成长和成功做出 了重⼤贡献。 Ben 的战略眼光和识别扩张机会的能⼒对于君⼦厨房在市场上的持 续主导地位发挥了关键作⽤。 离开君⼦厨房后,Ben 开启了职业⽣涯的新篇章,担任纳斯达克上市公司⾹颂国 际 (Chanson International) 的扩张主管。在此职位上,他负责领导公司的扩张⼯ 作